Module tripleblind.database_datasource


class DatabaseDatasourceAsset (uuid: UUID, connection_string: str = '')

An abstract asset representing a Database Connection



Class variables

var connection_string : str

Static methods

def cast(asset: Asset) -> DatabaseDatasourceAsset

Convert a generic Asset into a DatabaseDatasourceAsset

This should only be used on an asset known to be a DatabaseDatasource, no validation occurs during the cast.


asset : Asset
A generic Asset


A DatabaseDatasourceAsset object
def create(connection: str, name: str, desc: str, is_discoverable: bool | None = False, allow_overwrite: bool | None = False, session: Session | None = None) -> DatabaseDatasourceAsset | None

Create a new DatabaseDatasourceAsset


connection : str
The connection string to the database
name : str
The name of the asset
desc : str
A description of the asset
is_discoverable : bool, optional
Is the asset discoverable by others? Defaults to False.
allow_overwrite : bool, optional
Can the asset be overwritten? Defaults to False.
session : Session, optional
A connection session. If not specified, the default session is used.


The new asset
def find(search: str | re.Pattern | None, namespace: uuid.UUID | None = None, owned: bool | None = False, owned_by: int | None = None, session: Session | None = None, exact_match: bool | None = True) -> DatabaseDatasourceAsset | None

Search the Router index for an asset matching the given search


search : str or re.Pattern, optional
Either an asset ID or a search pattern applied to asset names and descriptions. A simple string will match a substring or the entire string if exact_match is True, or a regular expression can be passed for complex searches.
namespace : UUID, optional
The UUID of the user to which this asset belongs. None indicates any user, NAMESPACE_DEFAULT_USER indicates the current API user.
owned : bool, optional
Only return owned assets (either personally or by the current user's team)
owned_by : int, optional
Only return owned assets owned by the given team ID
session : Session, optional
A connection session. If not specified, the default session is used.
exact_match : bool, optional
When the 'search' is a string, setting this to True will perform an exact match. Ignored for regex patterns, defaults to True.


Thrown when multiple assets are found which match the search.


A single asset, or None if no match found


def retrieve_schema(self, params: Dict[str, str | float | int], silent: bool = False, job_name: str | None = None, session: Session | None = None) -> JobResult | None

Retrieve the schema associated with this database connection


params : Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]
A dictionary of parameter names and the value to be used in the report.
silent : bool, optional
Suppress status messages during execution? Default is to show messages.
job_name : Optional[str], optional
The name associate with the job. Default name is "Blind Report - ASSET_NAME".
session : Optional[Session], optional
A connection session. If not specified, the default session is used.


Report failed to run


The generated output, or None if the report fails

Inherited members

class MSSQLDatabaseDatasource (uuid: UUID, connection_string: str = '')

An asset representing a Microsoft SQL Server database connection


Static methods

def create(host: str, database: str, username: str, password: str, options: dict | None = None, port: int = 1433, name: str = '', desc: str = '', is_discoverable: bool | None = False, allow_overwrite: bool | None = False, session: Session | None = None) -> MSSQLDatabaseDatasource | None

Create a new MSSQLDatabaseDatasource


host : str
The hostname of the database to connect to.
database : str
The database name
username : str
The username
password : str
The password
options : dict, optional
Additional connection options. Defaults to None.
port : int, optional
The port number. Defaults to 1433.
name : str, optional
The name of the asset
desc : str, optional
A description of the asset
is_discoverable : bool, optional
Is the asset discoverable by others? Defaults to False.
allow_overwrite : bool, optional
Can the asset be overwritten? Defaults to False.
session : Session, optional
A connection session. If not specified, the default session is used.


The new asset

Inherited members