Module preprocessor.data_generator
class DataGenerator
Static methods
def fake_data(faker_type: str, params: Dict = None, count: int = 1)
def fake_data_for_col(col_name: str, params: Dict = None, count: int = 1) -> Dict | None
def gen_random_bools(size) -> List
def gen_random_float64s(low, high, size, decimals) -> List
def gen_random_int64s(low, high, size) -> List
def gen_random_str_data(low, high, mode, min_length, max_length, size) -> List
def get_fakes(provider: str, params: Dict = None, count: int = 1) -> List
def init()
class MockType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Enumeration of data generator types.
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var aba
American Bankers Association (ABA) routing transit number
var address
Street address.
var age
An integer between 0 and 120
var ascii_company_email
Email address in the style of an official company, e.g. '[email protected]'
var ascii_email
Common email address, e.g. '[email protected]'
var ascii_free_email
Common email address from free email providers, e.g. '[email protected]'
var ascii_safe_email
Safe (guaranteed not real) email address, e.g. '[email protected]'
var bank_country
Bank providers ISO 3166-1 two character country code
var bban
Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN)
var city
A city name, e.g. 'Hullport'
var company_email
Domain name for a company, e.g. ''
var country
A country name, e.g. 'Hungary'
var country_calling_code
A country telephone calling code, e.g. '+880'
var country_code
A country code, e.g. 'MV'
var credit_card_expire
Credit card expiration date, e.g. '03/23'
var credit_card_full
Credit card details separated by a \n character. Includes card name, holder name, number, expiration and CVC
var credit_card_number
Credit card number
var credit_card_provider
Credit card provider name, e.g. 'Discover'
var credit_card_security_code
Credit card security code (aka CVC)
var date
A random date after Jan 1, 1970. Optional params: {"pattern": "%Y-%m-%d"}
var email
Common email address from free email providers, e.g. '[email protected]'. Allows unicode characters. Optional params: {"domain": ""}
var first_name
A first name, e.g. 'Robert' or 'Megan'
var free_email
Common email address from free email providers, e.g. '[email protected]'. Allows unicode characters.
var free_email_domain
Free email providers, e.g. ''. Allows unicode characters.
var iban
International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
var ipv4
An internet IPv4 address, e.g. ''
var ipv4_private
An internet IPv4 address, within the private blocks (10, 172 and 192)
var ipv4_public
An internet IPv4 address, excluding the private blocks (10, 172 and 192)
var ipv6
An internet IPv6 address, e.g. 'f728:b4fa:4248:5e3a:a5d:2f35:6baa:9455
var job
var last_name
A last name, e.g. 'Chang' or 'Dixon'
var license_plate
A six character 'SAM 123' style license plate
var msisdn
A MSISDN international mobile phone number, e.g. '5659387784080'
var name_female
A typical female name, e.g. 'Sharon'
var name_male
A typical male name, e.g. 'Neil'
var name_nonbinary
A full name, including non-binary titles, e.g. 'Mx. Philip Levine'
var phone_number
A typical US phone number, e.g. '(194)892-4115' or '815.659.3877x8408'
var postcode
A post or ZIP code, e.g. '50995'
var random
Type-specific random value. Numbers will be in the range of the data, strings are gibberish of similar length.
var sex
Combination of Sex Identifiers - e.g. 0, M, Female, 1, F
var sex_abbr
Abbreviated Sex identifier - e.g. M or F
var sex_binary
Binary Sex identifier - e.g. 0 or 1
var sex_verbose
Sex identifier - e.g. Male or Female
var ssn
A social security number, e.g. '498-52-4970'
var swift
A mixture of 8 and 11 digit Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications bank (SWIFT) codes. Optional params: {"primary": False}, 11 digit codes will end with 'XXX', denoting primary branches.
var swift16
A 11 digit Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications bank (SWIFT) codes
var swift8
A 8 digit Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications bank (SWIFT) codes
var tripleblind_date
A formatted date between 1970 and today unless given params
var tripleblind_date_time
A random timestamp between 1970 and today unless given params
var tripleblind_iso8601
Get a timestamp in ISO 8601 format (or one of its profiles)
var tripleblind_unix_time
Returns a unix time stamp between two dates